Artist in Brief

Florentine painter.

Alternative Names


There are 6 artworks by this artist in the database.

Image Work Type Description Year Church City Region Country
Painting"The Annunciation"1609Santa Trinita
(Basilica of the Holy Trinity)
Painting"The Baptism of Jesus", on the first south altar
Location: Nave, south side
1620San Francesco
(St. Francis)
Painting"The Taking of Bona", first on the nave ceiling
Location: Nave
1613Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri
(National Church of St. Stephen of the Knights)
Painting"Victory in the Greek Archipelago", third on the nave ceiling
Location: Nave
1604Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri
(National Church of St. Stephen of the Knights)
Painting"St. Stephen Administering the Eucharist to the Faithful" and "St. Stephen Paying a Return Visit to Lucilla", chiaroscuro paintings on the south nave wall, attribution
Location: Nave, south side
Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri
(National Church of St. Stephen of the Knights)
Painting"Madonna and Child with St. Francis"
Location: Franceschi Chapel
1636Santi Michele e Gaetano
(Sts. Michael and Cajetan)